Stick Dance

Stick dance party game

Stick Dance is an engaging and lively group game that requires an odd number of participants, some upbeat music, and a long stick, such as a broom or yardstick. This game promotes spontaneous dancing, quick thinking, and a lot of laughter as players switch partners in rhythm with the music. The unique twist in Stick Dance is that one participant, the odd person out, gets the chance to dance with the stick when they’re left partnerless. To keep the game running smoothly, someone not actively participating will be designated as the music controller, responsible for starting and stopping the music at specific intervals.

Game sheet

  • Number of players: from 7 children
  • Ages: from 6 years old
  • Supplies: music and a broom or a long stick
  • Played indoors
  • Play time: about 20 min

Rules of Stick Dance

  1. Player Setup: Gather an odd number of players and have them form pairs with dancing partners. One individual, the odd person out, will not have a partner and will instead dance with the stick.
  2. Music Control: Designate one person to operate the music, ensuring they have control over starting and stopping it at will. This individual’s role is crucial to the game’s flow.
  3. Dance Rotation: Start the game by playing the music. All pairs of players begin dancing with their respective partners for a short period, enjoying the music’s rhythm.
  4. Music Stop: At a random point in the music, the music controller abruptly stops the music. When the music stops, all participants must immediately cease dancing.
  5. Partner Switch: Upon the music’s stoppage, players must swiftly find a new dancing partner. The player left without a partner will take up the stick as their dance partner.
  6. Music Restart: The person responsible for the music restarts it, and the cycle repeats. Players dance with their new partners.
  7. Dance with the Stick: The player with the stick becomes the center of attention and dances enthusiastically with the stick until the next music stop.
  8. Continuation: The game continues in this manner, with partners changing at each music stop. The player left without a partner dances with the stick until the next partner change.


  1. Speed Variation: Adjust the pace of the game by changing how frequently the music starts and stops. For a more energetic game, stop the music frequently, keeping players on their toes.
  2. Themed Music: Use music with varying tempos or themes to add excitement and unpredictability to the game. Participants may need to adjust their dance styles accordingly.
  3. Partner Rules: Experiment with different partner rules, such as requiring players to dance with someone of the same gender or choosing partners based on specific criteria.
  4. Team Play: Instead of individual dancing, divide players into teams and have them compete to see which team can coordinate their dance moves best when the music stops.
  5. Musical Chairs Twist: Incorporate a “musical chairs” element by removing one pair of dancers (two players) each time the music stops until only one pair remains. The last pair standing wins.

Stick Dance is a fantastic icebreaker and group activity that fosters quick thinking, adaptability, and loads of fun. So gather your friends, grab a stick, and let the dance party begin!

The educational advantages of the Stick Dance party game

  1. Social Interaction: Stick Dance promotes social interaction as players continuously switch partners. This encourages communication, cooperation, and the development of interpersonal skills.
  2. Quick Thinking: Participants must think on their feet and adapt to changing situations when the music stops, fostering cognitive agility and decision-making abilities.
  3. Coordination and Rhythm: The game enhances coordination and rhythm as players synchronize their movements with the music. This can help improve motor skills and timing.
  4. Listening Skills: Players need to listen attentively for the music cues, enhancing their listening skills and ability to follow instructions.
  5. Inclusivity: Stick Dance is inclusive as it accommodates an odd number of players, ensuring that no one is left out. It encourages a sense of belonging among participants.
  6. Creativity: Participants have the freedom to express themselves through dance, promoting creativity and self-expression.
  7. Teamwork: In team variations of the game, players learn to work together to coordinate their dance moves, promoting teamwork and collaboration.
  8. Adaptability: The ever-changing dance partners challenge players to adapt to different styles and personalities, teaching adaptability and flexibility.
  9. Fun and Engagement: The game is enjoyable and engaging, making learning through play a memorable experience.
  10. Physical Activity: Stick Dance involves physical activity, providing a healthy outlet for energy and contributing to overall physical fitness.
  11. Problem Solving: When players are left without a partner, they must creatively engage with the stick, encouraging problem-solving skills.
  12. Self-Confidence: As participants become more comfortable with the game, they may gain self-confidence in their dancing abilities and social interactions.

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