Traffic Cop

Traffic cop game

Welcome to a fun and energetic game for kids – “Traffic Cop”! This game is perfect for outdoor play and teaches children about following instructions and the basics of road safety. One child takes on the role of the Traffic Cop, directing the others, who pretend to be cars, around the play area. It’s a fantastic way to engage kids in a physical activity while learning about traffic rules!

Game sheet

  • Number of players: from 6 children (the game becomes more dynamic with more players).
  • Ages: Suitable for children from 5 years old (rules can be simplified for younger players).
  • Supplies: Cones or Markers, Colored Cards or Flags (optional), Whistle (optional), Flashlights (for night mode variation), Stopwatch or Timer (optional)
  • Location: Outdoors, in an open and safe space.
  • Play time: about 30 min

How to play the Traffic Cop game

The aim is for the ‘cars’ (children) to follow the Traffic Cop’s commands as they navigate through the play area.

Setting Up:

  • Choose an open area where children have enough space to move around.
  • Designate one child as the Traffic Cop. The others will be the ‘cars’.
  • Define the boundaries of the play area to ensure safety.

How to Play:

  • The Traffic Cop stands in the middle or at one end of the play area.
  • The ‘cars’ start at the opposite end or around the Traffic Cop.
  • The Traffic Cop gives commands such as “Green Light” (go), “Red Light” (stop), “Yellow Light” (slow down), and “U-Turn” (turn around).
  • The ‘cars’ must respond to these commands as quickly as possible.
  • If a ‘car’ doesn’t follow the command or is too slow, they do a fun activity like jumping jacks or a silly dance before rejoining the game.


  • The game can be non-competitive, focusing on fun and learning.
  • For a competitive twist, the last ‘car’ running correctly can become the next Traffic Cop.


  1. Obstacle Course: Set up cones or other safe objects for the ‘cars’ to navigate around, adding a layer of challenge.
  2. Traffic Light Colors: Introduce colored cards or flags to represent different traffic lights, enhancing visual learning.
  3. Speed Limits: Assign different speed limits to different areas of the play zone to teach about varying speed zones.
  4. Pedestrian Crossings: Include areas where ‘cars’ must stop for ‘pedestrians’ (other players or toys).
  5. Emergency Vehicles: Occasionally, the Traffic Cop can announce an emergency vehicle, prompting ‘cars’ to move to the side of the road.
  6. Night Mode: For evening play, use flashlights and have the ‘cars’ navigate in lower light, teaching about night-time road safety.

“Traffic Cop” is a fantastic way to combine fun with educational elements, perfect for kids to learn and enjoy at the same time!

The educational advantages of the Traffic Cop game

  1. Understanding and Following Instructions: This game helps children practice listening carefully and following verbal instructions, enhancing their attention and listening skills.
  2. Learning Road Safety Rules: It introduces basic concepts of road safety and traffic rules, such as understanding traffic light signals and the importance of stopping for pedestrians.
  3. Motor Skills Development: As children move around as ‘cars’, they engage in physical activity that promotes gross motor skills development, including running, stopping, turning, and maneuvering around obstacles.
  4. Cognitive Processing and Quick Thinking: Responding quickly to the Traffic Cop’s commands requires fast cognitive processing and decision-making, improving reaction times and quick thinking skills.
  5. Social Interaction and Cooperation: Playing together in a group setting fosters social interaction. Children learn to navigate shared spaces, respect each other’s turns, and cooperate within the game’s structure.
  6. Role-Playing and Imagination: Taking on the role of the Traffic Cop or a car encourages imaginative play and role-playing, which is crucial for emotional and social development.
  7. Discipline and Patience: As ‘cars’, children learn the importance of waiting their turn and exercising patience, especially when stopping at ‘red lights’ or waiting for ‘pedestrians’.
  8. Awareness of Surroundings: The game enhances spatial awareness as children learn to be mindful of their surroundings, avoiding collisions with other ‘cars’ and observing boundaries.
  9. Leadership Skills: The child playing the Traffic Cop gets an opportunity to develop leadership skills by controlling the game, making decisions, and ensuring that other players are following the rules.
  10. Flexibility and Adaptability: With various commands and changing scenarios, children learn to be flexible and adapt to new situations quickly.

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