Picture Hunt

Picture Hunt game

Picture Hunt is a fun interactive activity that forces people to work as a team. Team building activities work well as corporate activities or as youth group games.

 It can be played indors or outdoors in pretty much any condition.

Game sheet

  • Number of players: from 6 children
  • Ages: from 6 years old
  • Supplies: camera, list of 12 “scenes”
  • Played indoors or outdoors
  • Play time: about 1 hour

How to play The Picture Hunt game?

With a clear goal in mind, this game allows a team to work together in order to see how they can most easily reach their goal of getting the pictures they need. In addition, the creative people will stand out.
In order to win, you have to have as many pictures from the list as you can…
But they must also be the most creative pictures you can take.
One person in charge of this game needs to create a list of 12 “scenes” they want others to photograph.
A few examples are: a relaxing place, something abnormally big, someone in prom dress, a funny looking car, a human pyramid, or someone famous.
Be as creative as you can. Make things a little challenging for your friends but adapt the game according to the age of the participants. Don’t forget to make copies for each group.
After splitting the group into teams of 3 to 4 people, make sure that everyone has a camera and a list and set them off. Tell the teams to be as original in their photo ideas as they can.
When time is up have the teams take turns showing off their photos. For each picture they take off the list, they get one point. For the most creative picture, they get another point. This is a great activity to do as families and friends to build memories.

The educational advantages of the game

  • generates fun atmosphere
  • encourages team spirit
  • develop gross motor skills and creativity
  • allows you to work on the sense of observation
  • improves relationships and team cohesion
  • learning and listening to the rules of the game

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